To Do List - Bugs

Spacer – seems to have a scroll issue at end of page – might be caused by sticky main menu?

Projects – apply a max size

News –  move ‘type’ from styling options into main options

News – secondary styling has white text on white boxes

Gallery – move gallery style from styling into main options

Gallery – full width does nothing – on either style

Gallery – tiles has no behaviour for too few images

CTA grid – move Block style from style section to main section

Banner – move ‘style’ from ‘style options’ to main body

Banner – main style doesn’t display link

Accreditation – should items center when too few for carousel

General content – background image opacity seems to have no effect

General content – headings above columns seems to apply different styling effect for the heading type


To Do List - Quick Improvements

Decorate body with font names to allow customised styling

Split CSS and use includes

Replace styling if blocks with mustache fields

Modify ID’s to ensure multiple popups / accordions etc. work on the same page

Banner – not all styles support a button

Banner – not all styles support a carousel

Change font name to be selector for Headings, add one for Body and (if necessary) ‘alternate’

Tidy Theme Settings layout – Font accordion, Colour accordion, Button accordion

Add ‘contact info’ fields as shortcodes so they can be used in content and automatically update

Add custom admin CSS to help make Flex Content more obvious

Reviews – change text to be wysiwyg

Reviews – add company name field on review

Reviews – add link field on review

Flex Content – add rows – confirm the order of blocks (Most common at the top?)

Projects – do they need a ‘details’ field?

CTA grid – better names for style options

Contact Info Columns – move map in theme settings contact info

Contact Info Columns – add ‘show map’, ‘show address’, ‘show phone’, ‘show email’ options

Contact Info Columns – add option for custom contact details

Contact – move map into theme settings

Contact – add ‘show map’ etc.

Contact – add option for custom contact details

Contact – replace ‘form’ wysiwyg’ with a selector for the gravity form

Contact – transparency behaviour completely different between ‘background image’ and ‘left/right background’

Banner – make all styles handle image gallery

Banner – make all styles handle ‘package price’ (or remove)

Accordion – allow all open option

General content – contained image – change name or add description

Theme settings – add entries for padding (top, bottom, side, gutter – for general content with side by side) / page width – with support for large, medium and small devices

Theme settings – tidy layout section with accordions for groups

Make admin honour the colour settings for the site

Make admin use the logo for the site

General content – make it so it’s first column, 2nd column

To Do List - Major Work

Move team members into a custom post type

Move reviews into a custom post type

Move packages into a custom post type

Add Documentation pages for Flex Content

Add ‘Reusable Content’ post type and Flex Content block – allows you to add flex content and then reuse it in multiple locations

Perhaps add a ‘Side by Side’ flex content that lets you select a flex content for left / right columns

Contact & Contact Info Columns – merge together and add a ‘Style’ choice for the layout (map to the left / map below)

Backgrounds – standardise option for colours, images and positions

Style the dev site and set up menus to examples, to do, documentation etc.

To Do List - Requests

Please add any new feature requests here, once evaluated they will be moved to the appropriate lists.